One-Act Play
APRIL 23-24, 2024
11914 Dragon Ln., San Antonio, TX 78252
210-622-4500 Main Line
210-622-4780 Theater Line
210-685-2848 Kary Driesse – Host
Mike Doggett
12544 Newbrook Dr.
Houston Tx 77072
361-676-6100 (cell)
Kary Driesse –
210-685-2848 (cell)
210-622-4780 (classroom)
Graciela Reyna –
Participating schools, do not send entry fees to the Regional Director. Each District Director will handle all entry fees for a district and then bill respective schools for the amount owed. The entry fee for each one-act play is $1000. Entry fees must be in prior to competition.
Mail scripts to the panelists indicating that you are with Region IV, 3A, contest held at Southwest High School in San Antonio. See addresses below. If you wait too long you will have to overnight mail scripts, DO NOT require a signature.. Scripts must be the published copy with acting lines clearly indicated, highlighted in yellow and a single strike though of lines cut. Photocopies or manuscripts are only permitted if you show you have permission to copy or if the play is public domain. (Please include permission to copy with your script.) Do not send as a file that needs to be downloaded and do not request a signature for receipt.
Philip Taylor 1305 Webberville Road Austin TX, 78259 |
Dana Riggins 162 CR 139 North Jasper TX, 75951 |
Eric Porter 1402 W Patton #A Houston TX, 77009 |
Regional Rehearsal/ Performance Times
Rehearsal – Wednesday, April 23, 2024
Rehearsal order will be the same as performance order unless a school has a conflict. If you have a conflict please contact Mike Doggett.
(If schools can’t agree on conflict moves, the rehearsal will revert back to the blind draw)
12:30 – 1:30 PM Show 1 –
1:45 – 2:45 PM Show 2 –
3:00 – 4:00 PM Show 3 –
4:15 – 5:15 PM Show 4 –
5:30 – 6:30 PM Show 5 –
6:45 – 7:45 PM Show 6 –
Region OAP Contest Day – Wednesday, April 24, 2024
The facility will not be open on the day of contest until after 8:00 am
11:00 AM – Director’s Meeting
12:00 PM Show 1 –
1:00 PM Show 2 –
2:00 PM Show 3 –
3:00 PM Show 4 –
4:00 PM Show 5 –
5:00 PM Show 6 –
(shows run back to back)
6:00 PM (ish) Critiques
7:00 PM (ish) Awards
Schools should arrive at least 30 minutes before scheduled rehearsal. Give yourself travel time but if you arrive too early, you may have to wait on your bus awhile. Please note C&CR Section 1033 (c) (2) (E) internal communication system. If you do not wish to use the house system, then you must declare your communication system as part of the basic set and allow all companies to use it.
Performance Order
Performance order was determined by blind draw. A and B shows are determined alphabetically by show title, excluding articles. Shows beginning with numbers are alphabetized by the first letter of the number word (3 = three, first letter T).
1. Area 1 A Show 1 –
2. Area 2 A Show 2 –
3. Area 2 C Show 3 –
4. Area 2 B Show 4 –
5. Area 1 B Show 5 –
6. Area 1 C Show 6 –
(Because of other UIL events, it is possible that performance order could be change)
Program Information
Program Template: ← click here for program template
Please fill out the attached form. Please DO NOT CHANGE THE FONT, size or other elements of the layout of the form.
Please make a copy of this template and then you will have access to edit it. I’ve highlighted the information that needs to be added.
This template must be completed as soon as possible after your area contest. Southwest HS needs to print the programs and must have as much time as possible. Your school will be left out of the program if the information is received after Friday, April 14, 2023, or before.
Share or send your program information to Contest Host: Kary Driesse
Facility and Technical Information:
Information about SWHS facility (lights and sound):
Please click on the link above to access information about the SWHS site. Information about the area and food / shopping locations are also available on that link.
Load In: Your host will meet you and your company at the loading door. Please be on time, if you are not, please text Mike Doggett (361-676-6100) to let him know. Have your truck or bus unloaded and with all your things ready to enter the theater before your rehearsal time starts. Have your things on either side of the shop door on the sidewalk. Following the rehearsal, the stage manager or technical director will show you where to store properties and your host will show you the room assigned to your company for your use during the contest.
Rehearsals: You will be given one hour to rehearse. Be sure you use your time wisely and remember that a complete run-through might not be possible. Please arrive 15-20 minutes prior to your rehearsal to ensure that you have the full hour to rehearse.
Pre-Programing Lights: You will be able to send in your light cues before your rehearsal to be programmed if you like. Not required. The following links provided are video instructions for how the light cues need to be filled out and the light cue sheet that needs to be used if you want your lights pre-programmed before your rehearsal time. Please make a copy of the light cue sheet before you start editing it and use this exact light cue sheet when filling out your lights. DO NOT USE YOUR OWN LIGHT CUE SHEET. Please send light cue sheets to Southwest HS technical director by April 10th to be recorded. If they are not sent in by then you will run the risk of not having your lights pre-programmed before your rehearsal. If the light cue sheet is filled out incorrectly then you will receive an email asking what needs to be fixed and to have it fixed as soon as possible so that they can be recorded on time. Video Instructions for Light Cues. Light Cue Sheet. Information about SWHS facility (lights and sound):
Performances: The casts are reminded not to re-enter the auditorium in makeup or costume after their performance. Remind your students they will not be allowed to enter the auditorium while a play is in progress.Plays will perform back to back.
Time Warning Procedures: The stage manager will be giving audible calls from the edge of the SR wings for set, strike and the 60-second start. The stage manager will give the 35-minute warning over the intercom system. Your designated crew member should be on headphones and respond with “35-minute warning received.”
Load Out: If possible, please prepare to load your set out of the scene shop immediately after your performance. You will not be timed when loading from the shop to your vehicle. This will allow for more room in the scene shop as the shows progress during the day.
Sound: If you wish to use our sound system, please bring your music or effects recorded on CD or on an iPod/Phone. There will be a sound technician present to run sound. You may also bring your own adapter from any phone to aux cable.
Unit Set: The approved UIL Unit Set will be available at the contest site. Also available will be two door units and one French door unit.
Makeup/Dressing Areas: A classroom will be provided for each school. There will also be community dressing rooms that are available throughout the day. These are “Actor” and “Actress” dressing rooms that will be open for all companies to use as they see fit..
Admission to the Performance: Admission will be $10 at the door – cash only. LATECOMERS WILL BE SEATED ONLY DURING THE PAUSE BETWEEN SHOWS. Please let families and friends know this since absolutely no exceptions will be made. Also, in order to maintain the proper atmosphere for enjoying a live performance, we ask you to let your families and friends know that no photographs, flash or otherwise, or videotape may be taken during the performances.
Awards and Critiques: The announcement of advancing plays, the presentation of awards and the oral critiques will follow the last performance as soon as the adjudicator has completed his decisions. The critiques will happen simultaneously BEFORE the awards ceremony. That final performing company will be in the second round of critique so that will give that company about 15 minutes after strike to get ready for critique. After critique time will be given to get changed for the awards ceremony while final tabulations and verifications are made by the contest manager and adjudicators.
After 7 Minute Strike For Each Show
- Each school will strike to the theater loading door (stage right) during their 7 minute set up.
- After your time has stopped for a 7 minute strike you will load all of your things out to the sidewalk just outside of the shop and then load your bus or truck. Please only use one side of the sidewalk outside of the shop in case there is a delay with your bus or truck.
- Please instruct your driver to not park in the middle of the driveway, park on one side so that cars or another bus or truck can park beside your vehicle if needed.
- If there is rain, your things will remain in their storage spot until the end of the contest.
- The first three schools to perform will be the first three schools to be critiqued 15 minutes after the final performance.
- The last three schools will be critiques after the first round of schools.
- Critiques will be 15 minutes each.
- After the final round of critiques are over there will be a brief pause of about 15 minutes before the awards ceremony begins.
- It is okay if the last school attends critique in costume if they do not have time to change after the strike. It’s suggested that technicians and alternates load the truck while actors get changed before critique but there will be another brief pause before awards for actors to change if they were not able to before critiques.